패트릭 펑, 『잊히기 위해 산 사람』,부산:로뎀북스, 2010
Patrick Fung, Live to Be Forgotten, Hong Kong:OMF, 2008
1. 자신의 지혜로 일하는 것을 두려워해야 한다.
2. 그리스도 안에 감춰지는 것을 추구해야 한다.
3. 중보자가 지도자가 된다.
D.E Hoste
"모든 일에 전적으로 하나님을 의지하는 그것이 바로 진정한 영성인 것 같습니다. 우리는 무슨 일이든지 자신의 지혜로 하는 것을 두려워해야 합니다“ (6)
“호스트가 총재가 된 지 얼마되지 않았을 때, ‘의화단의 난 이후 중국 교회와 선교사의 관계’라는 주제로 연설한 적이 있다. 그는... 그것으로 인해 하나님께서 새로운 중국인 지도자들을 일으키실 것이라고 하였다... 다시 가서 주도권을 쥐려는 것은 잘못된 것이라고 하였다. 선교사들은 돌아가서 중국 교회와 함께 그들 밑에서 일할 준비가 되어 있어야 했다. (8)
...few are familiar with him even though he was one of the Cambridge Seven. One of the reason is his 'lowliness'... His hiddenness in Christ evidently outweighed the other virtues that people could have recalled. (12)
Hoste was totally gripped by -not so much by Moody's preaching as by his prayer. He heard a man in communion with God, talking to Him as if talking to a friend. (16)
Moody, in his direct, intense, earnest preaching, proclaimed the solemn truth about God's wrath and His judgement and our own sinfulness without any reserve. The wrath of God and the lostness of souls were key elements in his messages. Perhaps in the post modern ear with its dismissal of authority, we are too afraid to preach the wrath of God as passionately as we do His glory. (18)
Hoste offered himself to the Lord Jesus, filled with new life. One of the signs of this new life was his unceasing hunger for the Word of God... it became evident that he was a man soaked in the Word of God. Another sign of change in him was his deep concern for the souls that would go to eternal darkness without Christ. (18-20)
It was a spirit of humility and submission that allowed Hoste not to give up. He knew the One who called him to serve is the Lord... (he) submitted himself to the Lord and His timing. (30)
Humility is the key to the door of Christ's sufficiency. (32) Pride and self-will are hateful in the sight of God. Humility opens our eyes to marvel at the work of God. (44) Rejoicing in other people's success is a true sign of humility. For Hoste, learning to submit to another brother teaches him the foundation of spiritual leadership. Hoste felt liberated by such a breakthrough. (46)
It is the gospel that brings transformation. (46)
Hoste observed and learned from this man(Hsi) of God whose life was transparent and authentic. (48) Willingness to wait in prayer, patience in restoring relationships, reluctance in premature judgement - these became significant principles in Hoste's ministry. (50)
He usually prayed aloud, but in a very low tone, and would pace up and down the room while he was in prayer... he seemed to have more freedom in prayer while walking; that prayer seemed more free and unrestrained. (52)
The response from Hudson Taylor finally came. He wrote: Regarding a wandering mind in prayer; I have found more help in praying aloud, and praying while walking about - talking as to a present Lord - than in any other way. Knowing how to give practical guidance and comfort to younger missionaries, he added; I do not think that wandering in thoughts at all necessarily indicates a loss of spiritual life, but it does show a loss of nerve-tone and calls for (rest)... use of such measures as will generally give vigour to the health. (54-56)
...he almost daily invited another colleague to be with him in the office to pray together. (56)
He knew the 1,200 members and associates by name and would often pray for the difficulties in which each was engaged. He wrote; I have found that waiting upon God, and intercession on behalf of others, are really the most vital and effective part of my service (in the Mission)... the persistent opposition of the powers of darkness, can only be overcome by perseverance and importunity in prayer. (58)
The Boxer Rebellion of 1900. Thousands of Chinese believers lost their lives. The CIM also suffered heavy loss, with 58 missionaries and 21 children killed.
God sometimes allows sufferings in our lives to awaken our stubborn will.
Hoste was a quiet man, considered aloof by some, certainly a reserved man, but one who did not fail to intercede for his fellow missionaries. A man who maintained the big picture. (72)
Are we actually doing the work for which God brought the Mission into being? Have we completed the task? Have we too readily settled down to consolidate gains already secured, while multitudes remain unevangelized with great stretches of the country unreached for Christ? (74)
fully consecrated to Him, counting the cost should come... (78)
패트릭 펑,잊히기 위해 산 사람, 로뎀북스, 2010.hwp
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