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03 성경강해/03-5 성경주제: 거룩

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 Have absolutely nothing to do with any form of immorality

by growingseed 2018. 10. 19.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Thessalonica, where Paul founded a flourishing church in A.D. 49 or 50, was the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia. Roman morality tended to be lax in sexual matters and the worship of some Roman deities involved ritual prostitution. Paul had to underscore for the new believers in Thessalonica that Christian faith meant the restriction of sex to marriage.

Regardless of how spiritual we may claim (or pretend) to be, the truth is that we are no more spiritual than our sexual conduct and thought life.

1.     Have absolutely nothing to do with any form of immorality.

2.     Be a student of your own person.

3.     Be sure you do not take advantage of or wrong others sexually.
