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03 성경강해/03-1 구약4

Christopher J.H.Wright, The Message of Ezekiel, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001 Christopher J.H.Wright, The Message of Ezekiel, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001 'May God strengthen him.' This was the prayer with which Ezekiel's parents launched their newborn son into the world when they named him. It was an appropriate prayer and God would have to answer it in many ways they could never have envisaged in the year of his birth. It was 622 BC - an auspicious year t.. 2017. 4. 5.
Raymond Brown. The Message of Deuteronomy: Not by bread alone, Downers Grove, IL:IVP, 1993 Raymond Brown. The Message of Deuteronomy: Not by bread alone, Downers Grove, IL:IVP, 1993 1. The structure of the book: One of the most interesting aspects of Old Testament study over the past few decades has been that of comparing key passages in the Old Testament with the literary structure of political treaties or covenants in the ancient Near East. These agreements were frequently made betw.. 2017. 1. 14.
Raymond Brown. The Message of Numbers: Journey to the Promised Land, 광야에서 말씀하시는 하나님 Raymond Brown. The Message of Numbers: Journey to the Promised Land, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002 ...which goes back to the early Christian centuries when the Greek translation of the Old Testament (the Septuagint) entitled the book Arithmoi. When Jerome later prepared his influential Latin translation, the Vulgate, he called it Numeir, a title passed on to later versions.In bibli.. 2017. 1. 6.
Derek Tidball,The BST Series: The Message of Leviticus, 레위기는 복음이다 Derek Tidball,The BST Series: The Message of Leviticus, InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove, IL, 2005. 레위기는 복음이다. 궁극적으로 하나님 앞에 나아갈 수 없었던 죄인들이 하나님과 화목하고 공동체적으로 모든 관계가 회복되는 복음이 레위기 속에 담겨 있다. 그것은 사회적으로 소외되고 멸시받던 모든 자들과 깨어진 가족과 고통 받던 사람들에게 회복의 소망을 주는 하나님의 복음이다. 제사법(번제, 소제, 화목제, 속죄제, 속건제)에서부터 사회적인 정결법에 이르기까지 구체적이고 세밀한 명령은 우리 삶에 대한 하나님의 지극한 관심을 보여준다. 거룩이라는 주제를 두고 레위기를 공부하지 않을 수 없는 이유는 레위기 전체를 관통하는 핵심이 바.. 2016. 12. 30.