Edward Judson, The Life of Adoniram Judson (New York: Randolph and Co., 1883), 572.
Arrange thy affairs, if possible, so that thou canst leisurely devote two or three hours every day, not merely to devotional exercises, but to the very act of secret prayer and communion with God. Endeavor, seven times a day, to withdraw from business and company, and lift up thy soul to God in private retirement. Begin the day by rising after midnight and devoting some time, amid the silence and darkness of the night, to this sacred work. Let the hour of opening dawn find thee at the same work; let the hours of nine, twelve, three, six, and nine at night witness the same. Be resolute in this course. Make all practicable sacrifices to maintain it. Consider that thy time is short, and that business and company must not be allowed to rob thee of thy God. At least, remember the morning, noon, and night seasons, and the season after midnight, if not detrimental to thy health.
Adoniram Judson sought to withdraw sought to withdraw from business and company seven times a day in order to engage in the holy work of prayer. He began at midnight and again at dawn; then at nine. twelve, three, six and nine to secret prayer.
The Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster, 31
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