Martin Sanders, The Power of Mentoring: Shaping People Who Will Shape the World, Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications, 2004
1. Mentoring and the Developmental Process: Individuals move through stages of life development at many different paces. The order of the stages is far more predictable, however... : Age of learning, Age of contribution, Age of Investment. …Mentoring is viewed as the facilitation of the life-long developmental process whereby individuals move through various stages of human, emotional, spiritual, educational, intellectual and other aspects of development. With this view, we can then work with the “big picture” of the formative process rather than getting lost or stuck in one particular aspect or stage of mentoring. (3)
Key question: By asking good questions and listening, and through effective feedback (both reflective and directive), the mentor aids the emerging leader with perspective and life development. (4)
While behaviorism changes people from the outside in, the mentoring process picks up where behaviorism fails because in mentoring, people are changed from the inside out. It should focus on coaching in life direction rather than on modifying behavior or changing thought processes. (6)
Power of permission: a. permission to succeed and fail, b. permission to try new things, c. permission to be different and not conform
Since a primary key of mentoring is character development, what aspect of character formation needs to be developed in your life at this time?
2. A Rationale for Mentoring: Mentoring is a relational experience that empowers the emerging leader; in the apprentice model the master often kept control and was unable to empower the younger person. (24)
3. Developing Meaningful relationships: ‘Friendship qualities’ - acceptance, empathy, listening, loyalty, self-disclosure, compromise (38)
4. Unique Mentoring Models: Elijah and Elisha, Moses and Joshua, The twelve disciples, Jesus and Peter, Paul and Timothy (52)
5. The Developmental Process : J. Robert Clinton, The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1988). Pp. 30-3. a. Sovereign foundation, b. Inner growth, c. Life maturity, d. Ministry maturity, e. convergence
In phase one, the building blocks of life emerge. Personality characteristics emerge and character traits are embedded. In phase two, emerging leaders typically receive some training, both formal and informal. Even though the focus of the training may be an academic program or a ministry experience, a major thrust of God's development of the individual is primarily inward. The real training is in the heart of a person whom God intentionally develops. In phase three, the emerging leader enters into ministry as the primary focus of his or her life. Although the training may be imformal, the major activities are conducted in ministry. The unique aspect of phases one, two and three is God's priamry work in, not through, the emerging leader. In phase four, mature fruitfulness comes as the leader identifies and uses his or her 'gift-mix' with power. Clinton states that, although the developmental process appears to be sequential, in real life, phases three and four often overlap. In phase five, role, gift-mix, experience, temperament, etc., all come together. Sadly, according to Clinton, not many leaders experience this convergence. Promotions and positions often limit them from using their unique gift-mixes. But God prepares the individual for real convergence. (60-61)
6. Spiritual Formation: Discipleship: In accessing life-changing stories over a ten-year period, I learned that those who excelled the most stayed closely connected to a local church, ministry or group of people who cared for them, discipled them, coached them, and mentored them through the various stages and changes of life. (80)
7. Character Formation: Character is formed in the lives of leaders through: a. responses to life’s toughest challenges, b. intentional patterns and life decisions that build character traits into one’s life. Character can be intentionally formed through: a. making small, routine decisions, b. planning for frustrations, quitting points and disappointments, c, dealing with one’s dark side. (100)
8. Integrity: Integrity is your essence – the true inner self reflected outwardly… Integrity requires accountability, being involved with another person who will hold us accountable. (113)
9. Dealing with The Private, Deeper Issues: Mentorees need to begin working through any issues of their lives that could potentially limit their development in the mentoring process. (125)
10. Developing Healthy Emotional and Spiritual Sides of Life and Ministry : Emotional exhaustion is the result of extensive emotional output without adequate emotional input. It is a sense that everyone wants something from you that you can’t give. (138)
책이 다소 산만하고 깊이가 있거나 실제적이지 못하다. 멘토링의 실제보다는 변죽만 울린 것 같다. 멘토링과 관련된 주제를 수박 겉핡기식으로 나열하기보다 몇 가지에 집중하면 좋았을 것이다.
멘토링에 대한 고민을 더 깊이 개인적으로 나누면 어땠을까 한다. 2장은 서론격으로 다루면 충분했을 것이다. Development process를 1장과 5장에서 다루었는데, 이를 보다 깊이 소개하고, character formation 과 dealing with the deeper issues 를 이와 연관하여 집중하면 좋았겠다는 생각이 든다. 성경에서의 멘토링 모델 역시 유형을 구분짓는 것에서 그친 것은 크게 의미가 없었기에 성경 속 Development process 과정을 더 깊이 살펴보면 어떠했을까 한다.
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