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05 선교신학

Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, When Helping Hurts, 효과적인 구호는 일시적이어야 한다

by growingseed 2020. 12. 6.

Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor... and Yourself, Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2009 

Who is at the “relief” level?

(1)   Is there really a crisis at hand?

(2)   To what degree was the individual personally responsible for the crisis?

(3)   Can the person help himself?

(4)   To what extent has this person already been receiving relief from you or others in the past? How likely is he to be receiving such help in the future?

We can undermine local judgment, discipline, accountability, stewardship, savings, and institutions… We must be careful lest we impose our own cultural assumptions into contexts that we do not understand very well.


Effective Relief: Seldom, Immediate, Temporary

(1)   Relief needs to be immediate. If a person is in the midst of a crisis and cannot help himself, a timely response is crucial.

(2)   Relief is also temporary, provided only during the time that people are unable to help themselves. Unfortunately, determining when to stop relief is never easy…. On the other hand, if relief is given for too long, it can do harm by creating dependence.


The local people will typically have a better understanding of the best way to get the job done. (102)

Aid workers must possess appropriate qualifications, attitudes, and experience to plan and effectively implement appropriate assistance programs. (103)

Bad relief undermines worship… The root issue in all of these considerations is that God, who is a worker, ordained work so that humans could worship Him through their work. Relief efforts applied inappropriately often cause the beneficiaries to abstain from work, thereby limiting their relationship with God through distorted worship or through no worship at all. (114-115)  

