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02 제자훈련/02-3 리더십 및 코칭

12 Principles of Finishing Well, 달음질을 잘 마치고자 한다면 지금부터 시작해야 한다

by growingseed 2019. 3. 25.


1.     To finish well in the end, we have to begin now.

2.     To finish the final chapter well, we have to finish each prior chapter well.

3.     We have to close a chapter well before we move on to the next.

4.     To finish well, we need a perspective from the end.

5.     To finish each chapter well, we need to finish it with a clear conscience.

6.     How well we finish depends on the relationships we leave behind.

7.     To finish well, we deal ruthlessly with pride.

8.     To finish well, we keep the main thing the main thing.

9.     To finish well, we extend and accept unconditional forgiveness.

10.  Finishing well does not mean fulfilling all our desires.

11.  Finishing well means letting go and moving on.

12.  Finishing well is all that matters in the end.

