Derek Tidball,The BST Series: The Message of Leviticus, InterVarsity Press: Downers Grove, IL, 2005.
레위기는 복음이다. 궁극적으로 하나님 앞에 나아갈 수 없었던 죄인들이 하나님과 화목하고 공동체적으로 모든 관계가 회복되는 복음이 레위기 속에 담겨 있다. 그것은 사회적으로 소외되고 멸시받던 모든 자들과 깨어진 가족과 고통 받던 사람들에게 회복의 소망을 주는 하나님의 복음이다. 제사법(번제, 소제, 화목제, 속죄제, 속건제)에서부터 사회적인 정결법에 이르기까지 구체적이고 세밀한 명령은 우리 삶에 대한 하나님의 지극한 관심을 보여준다.
거룩이라는 주제를 두고 레위기를 공부하지 않을 수 없는 이유는 레위기 전체를 관통하는 핵심이 바로 거룩이기 때문이다. 하나님의 거룩하심을 드러내는 것이 우리의 소명이어야 한다. 하나님의 거룩한 백성이 하나님의 거룩하심을 삶의 모든 영역에서 어떻게 구현해 내며 살아야 할지 보여주는 것이다.
거룩은 반드시 죄의 문제를 다룬다. 죄는 개인적일뿐만 아니라 공동체적이며, 그 영향력은 개인의 삶뿐만 아니라 공동체 전체를 파멸시키기에 이른다. 레위기는 우리가 죄를 결코 가볍게 다루지 말아야 할 것을 가르쳐 준다. 값싼 은혜로 죄를 간과하지 않는다. 레위기 전반부 제사들은 우리의 예배에 희생이 필요함을 보여준다. 나는 어떤 대가 지불을 하며 속죄의 제사를 드리고 있는가. 주님께서 어떤 대가와 희생을 지불하셨는가. 내가 어떤 희생으로 거룩하게 되었는지를 기억해야 한다. 거룩을 말하면서 희생을 말하지 않을 수 없다. 내가 그리스도의 십자가로 거룩하게 되었다.
레위기는 기독론적이다. 예수 그리스도께서 우리의 영원한 화목제물이 되셨으며, 우리를 구속하셨다. 잃은 자들이 다시 찾고, 억눌린 자들이 해방되는 진정한 희년이 예수님 안에서 성취되었다. 저자가 지적하는 것처럼 레위기가 단순한 정결 의식을 넘어 자유와 해방의 이미지를 폭넓게 담고 있으며, 레위기를 오경 속에서 묵상하고 이 말씀에 붙잡혔던 수많은 선지자들과 이스라엘 남은 자들이 이 메시아적 소망을 품고 있었다.
1. Good News: Leviticus is good news. It is good news for sinners who seek pardon, for priests who need empowering, for women who are vulnerable, for the unclean who covet cleansing, for the poor who yearn for freedom, for the marginalized who seek dignity, for animals that demand protection, for families that require strengthening, for communities that want fortifying and for creation that stands in need of care. (17)
2: Legal Document: Leviticus is a legal document and is broadly similar to other legal documents of the ancient Near East in style... (20)
3. Freedom: ... the obsession with cleanness and matters of ritual purity is confined to a few chapters, whereas words such as 'freedom', 'liberty', 'atonement' and 'jubilee', some of which are unique to Leviticus, abound. (21)
4. Holiness: The message of holiness pervades the book of Leviticus. (31) At its core, holiness is separation. (31) God is holy... His holiness is both dramatically portrayed in the worship of Israel and ethically portrayed in the laws given to Israel. It is in observing the one and obeying the other that his people will manifest his holiness to the world. (32) I am the Lord, who makes you holy (Lev. 20:8; 21:8l 22:9, 16, 32). The goal of holiness is not to be reached unaided. The one who set Israel free and conferred on them the status of being his special people is the one who would continue to refashion them by transforming grace so that they could increasingly become in reality that they were already in fact - a holy people. (33)
5. Structure: Sacrifice (1-7) Priesthood (8-10) Purity (11-15) Atonement (16) Holiness (17-26) - enacting God's word. Dedication (27)
6. Offering - 6.1. Consecration to God: the burnt offering 6.2. A gift for God: the grain offering 6.3. Fellowship with God: the peace offering - Jesus adopted the same imagery in his teaching about the coming kingdom of God. Picking up the note of celebration inherent in the peace offering, he recast the imagery of the feast to come as a wedding feast... Leviticus made it clear that participants at the table of a peace offering were required to be ritually pure... Those who were invited to sit at the feast of the Messiah would be those most considered to be unclean. They were to be the Gentiles, the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind - the very folk that respectable religious leaders would have barred from their table. But Jesus' sacrifice would make them clean and qualify them for a seat at the feast. This hope still remains to be fulfilled in the future. (68) 6.4. Forgiveness from God: the sin offering - Sin is a loathsome offence to God, which seriously disrupts our relationship with him and with the world he has made. Sin defiles us when we commit it and places us in need of cleansing deep inside our being. Sin is never an individual matter, the consequences of which affect only the person who commits it. It is a social matter and has a detrimental impact on others who are members of the same community, as is taught both by the seriousness with which the leaders' sin is treated... Leaders cannot separate their public responsibilities from their private lives. (81) Cleaning from sin takes place through the offering of blood, which acts as a spiritual detergent... it is now the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us (Hebrew 9:14). 6.5. Amendment before God: the guilt offering - The guilt offering guards the Israelites from falling into the error of believing tat grace is cheap. Like the sin offering it was a blood sacrifice that obtained pardon for sinners, but it differed from the sin offering in that it was concerned with specific sins and included a unique element of reparation as part of the ritual. (84) God still has a claim on our lives. It is a claim that includes our money and our time. Failure to give God his due,..., puts us at odds with him and in need of reconciliation and restitution. Mal 3:8-10; Gal 6:1-8 (91) Jesus is the crowning guilt offering, who provides full compensation to God for our sin and frees us from the debts we owe him. Isaiah 53 (92). Luke 7, Matthew 18, Luke 19, Zacchaeus.
7. Jesus Christ: the ultimate significance of Leviticus finds its fulfillment in Christ. (105) Jesus is both priest and sacrifice, both the goat who dies to atone and the scapegoat who lives to bear sin away, both the sin offering and the burnt offering... He ripped open the curtain and gave us constant, privileged access into the presence of God. (203)
8. Nadab and Abihu: The priests were in a position of great influence in Isarel... Good intentions are no substitue for exact obedience, and well-meaning enthusiasm is no substitute for 'discipline and discretion in worship.' It was a lesson Ananias and Sapphira learnt the hard way in the early days of the Christian church. (135)
9. Food: In our world, food remains a contentious issue for a number of reasons. Not only is there a glaring and inexcusable gap between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', but modern methods of food production have thrown up a range of new ethical challenges including that of genetic engineering, and the problem of obesity from which much of the developed world suffers... Holiness calls upon us even to eat and drink 'for the glory of God.'... Holiness means that God's people will always live in a way that is distinct from those who do not follow their God... Christians are still required to live distinctively. In some areas, such as that of sexual ethics, the challenges remain constant. (155)
10. Child sacrifice: 'Do not give your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord (18:21)'
11. Love your neighbour as yourself (19:18), Israel's quality of life 'must reflect the very heart of God's character.' (Christopher Wright, Ethics, p.39) Holiness was never some abstract, ethereal quality which was remote from the real world. It was always a quality that could be translated into practical daily living and measured by what could be seen on earth. Holiness was also brought within the reach of every member of the community. (234)
12. Jubilee: The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants (25:23)... Freedom for labour and freedom from debt were to go hand in hand with restoring broken family ties and repossessing lost family property. The hope of returning to one's roots at th Jubilee would sustain many who had fallen on hard times. (295) All property was ultimately owned by God and no-one could ever treat it as their possession... Debt could easily undermine the social foundations of Israel and their respect for one another as equals... They are designed to prevent the rich getting richer at the expense of the poor, who thus get poorer. Jubilee sets a limit on greed. (295) Jubilee calls us to promoter social justice, practise authentic worship, pursue merciful living and possess unwavering hope (301-302). Jesus is Jubilee. His 'Nazareth Manifesto', in which he claimed that he had come to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2, puts him firmly in the centre of the trajectory that began in the Jubilee legislation of Leviticus 25... People were set free from a multitude of diseases, disabilities, demons, defilement, debts and sins... He inaugurated a greater Jubilee in which people of all nations were (and are) set free from the stronger forces that enslaved them and the deeper debts that they owed. (303)
13. Restoration: Restoration does not come cheaply. The seriousness of the people's sin has to be confessed it restoration is to be experienced. (313)