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Raymond Brown. The Message of Deuteronomy: Not by bread alone, Downers Grove, IL:IVP, 1993

by growingseed 2017. 1. 14.


Raymond Brown. The Message of Deuteronomy: Not by bread alone, Downers Grove, IL:IVP, 1993


1. The structure of the book: One of the most interesting aspects of Old Testament study over the past few decades has been that of comparing key passages in the Old Testament with the literary structure of political treaties or covenants in the ancient Near East. These agreements were frequently made between two kings, when a strong ruler (the suzerain) agreed to provide military protection and economic resources to a threatened one(the vassal) in return for the promise of submissive loyalty. These covenants generally follow a predictable literary pattern and are of special interest when compared with the structure of Deuteronomy. Treaties of this kind go back to the third millennium BC, well before the time of Moses, and, as a well-educated courtier in Egypt, he is likely to have been thoroughly familiar with these important political transactions and the literary form in which their terms were presented. G.E Mendengall identified the remarkable similarities between the Hittite suzerainty agreements of the second millennium BC and the covenant which God made with Israel at Sinai, and M.G.Kline later noted the striking parallels between these Hittite covenant and the literary structure of Deuteronomy..., brief preamble, historical introduction which traced the nature of the relationships between the two parties, normally emphasizing the suzerain's generosity, basic stipluations of the covenant, detailed application of their demands, compy of the document be placed in the temple, its term be read publicly at agreed intervals, blessings and curses, recapitulation, witness... (15)


2. God's fatherly training (8:1-6): Life is about learning. As they look into the uncertain future, the Israelites are told to remember the past. If they think about the way God has helped them through difficult experiences in years gone by, they are not likely to be terrified about the way ahead. (119)


3. He was God's Son and, if he was, then the could certainly trust his Father. With that seemingly innocent suggestion that Jesus turn stones to bread, the devil was inviting Jesus to doubt both God's word and God's nature. Jesus refuse to doubt God's word. God has said, clearly and unmistakably, 'You are my Son, whom I love.' Jesus knew that was so, and refused to do anything which might suggest that the saying needed some further support or visible evidence... man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord... God continues to discipline his children... Such times can be used to strengthen our faith, determine our priorities, enrich our witness and increase our usefulness to others. (121)  
