R. Arthur Matthews, Born for Battle, OMF International, 2001
1. 하나님의 심판과 구속 계획에 대해 사단은 경계해 왔다.: By his act of disobedience, Adam yielded his kingship to Satan, who from then on claimed the dominion offered by man's disobedience and became "the prince of this world." In Eden, God decreed enmity between the serpent's seed and the seed of the woman. Because of this, the law of strife became the law of life for the human race. Hereafter the sinister eye of the deceiver would be on perpetual alert for evidence of the arrival of the Seed in order to lay plans to prevent the coming of this one who was to crush his head. (11)
2. 사단의 권세가 도전 받을 때, 견고한 진이 무너지기 시작한다 : For where the devil’s authority is challenged, where a work is begun that will weaken his hold on the hearts of men and deliver them from the thralldom in which they were born, there the clash can never be long averted. (21)
3. 교회의 진정한 위협은 사람이 아닌 그 뒤에 있는 사단이다: Ephesus, real hostility: The Christians at Ephesus could easily have seen the warfare only as a physical threat from the bloodthirsty silversmiths’ union under Demetrius. Or, they could have thought of the trouble as a conflict between Christianity and local culture. To correct these very natural ideas, Paul turns their minds from the human causes and introduces them to the real source of the trouble – “principalities, authorities, world rulers of the darkness, and spiritual forces of wickedness.” The physical attacks that come against us through our circumstances are only the symptoms of the very real hostility of the world rulers of the darkness under the prince of the power of the air. Our first call is to withstand these invisible enemies… (23)
4. 사단은 성도들을 해할 권세가 아무 것도 없다: Ephesus, Satan has no power: Our wrestling does not begin in our hearts. It has as its foundation the mighty victory over Satan that Jesus Christ won on the cross… So when Paul says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesian 6:10), his finger is pointing back to the foundational truths he developed earlier. Satan is a defeated foe with a crushed head. There is no power in him, nor are there any means available to him to reach and unseat the Victor of Calvary now seated at the right hand of the Father. This is one fact we need to keep strengthening ourselves with. (24)
5. 영적인 싸움 속에서 공동체가 함께 서 있어야 한다: Ephesus, Together: What does Paul do in the scary situation at Ephesus? He gets together with Gaius and Aristarchus – or whoever is available. Together, they take their position in Christ in the heavenlies and wrestle with and withstand the powers of evil that are manipulating the willing puppets on the streets. (30)
6. 우리는 이미 승리한 싸움을 싸운다: We fight from victory: It is not for us to fight for victory, because “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Our fight is from victory… Our defense armor guarantees total security when it is put on with prayer – for in essence the girdle, breastplate, helmet, shoes and shield are Jesus Christ. In him we are complete. (25)
7. 세상의 관점이 아닌 하나님의 관점을 가질 때 이길 수 있다: J.O. Fraser: “Each time your spirit goes under and faints in the trials which come to you, you lose mastery over the powers of darkness – i.e., you get below them instead of abiding above them in God. Every time you take the earth standpoint, you take a place below the powers of darkness. The mastery of them depends on your spirit’s abiding in the place above them, and the place above them means knowing God’s outlook, God’s thought, God’s plan, God’s ways, by abiding with Christ in God.” (26)
8. 사회와 문화 속에서도 사단은 자리를 잡는다: Enemy in Society: The Bible has alerted us to the possibility of supernatural evil powers establishing themselves in local cultures and then controlling life and custom. The messenger of the church at Pergamos is reminded of the grim fact that he dwells “where Satan’s seat is.” (28)
9. 오늘날 그리스도인들이 영적전쟁에 대해 무지한 채로 당하고 있다: Edith Schaeffer, insensitivity: “There is a deafness, a blindness, an insensitivity among many Christians, for they refuse to recognize the war in which they are involved. They are letting the enemy attack and score victories without resistance.” (28)
10. 하나님은 당신의 전쟁을 위해 성령이 충만하지 않은 사람을 부르지 않으신다: Filled with Holy Spirit: God does not commission men not filled with the Holy Spirit to fight his battles. Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit when he confronted Elymas the sorcerer and exposed the devil’s attack and defeated him (Acts 13:9) (30)
11. 사단이 하늘에서 번개처럼 떨어지는 것을 보았던 제자들의 경험이 우리의 것이 되어야 한다: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18) … we rarely know the experience of the disciples, which should be ours. (33)
12. 사단은 믿음의 기도를 두려워 한다. 기도할 때 진짜 싸움이 시작된다: J.O. Fraser: Satan detests the prayer of faith, for it is an authoritative: “notice to quit.” … The real battle begins when the prayer of faith has been offered. (34)
13. 리더는 중보해야 한다: Long-range penetration: Exodus 17: Here, for the first time, Moses has no instruction from God. For the first time he moves to exercise that delegated authority with no specific orders. He has learned his lesson. When God’s people are under attack, it is the responsibility of the man with God’s delegated authority to exercise that authority in God’s name… to resist the principalities and powers and the hosts of wicked spirits that are responsible for the Amalekite attack. (38) Exodus 17:9 Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.
14. 성도의 중보가 선교를 가능하게 한다: Supporting Prayer: Phil 1:19 “For I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.” … (Paul) realizes that the prayers of his friends at Philippi are channeling the supply of the Spirit of his conquering Lord into his situation. This fact of supporting prayer is turning apparent loss into stepping stones for the furtherance of the gospel. (39)
15. 성도가 기도할 때 사단은 자신의 영역을 내어줄 수밖에 없다: Matt 12:29 : “How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions?” Satan’s control zone is vulnerable because he is defeated foe… This area is not marked on our atlases as a geographical point, but that does not make it any less real. To the believer, the heavenlies are more real than the temporal things of earth… Christ crushed his (Satan’s) head at Calvary… every believer who holds his position in Christ by faith is co-sharer in the triumph of that might act. The devil must yield ground before the believer who resists him with the delegated authority of the “stronger than the strong.” (39)
16. 하나님께서 우리의 영적 전쟁을 인도하신다. 싸울지 말지를 우리가 결정하는 것이 아니다: In this warfare it is not for us to pick and choose at will where we think we should attack. We must first submit to God. That is the order of priority James gives us. “Submit yourselves to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) (40)
17. 안전한 싸움도, 안전한 타협도 없다: In warfare there are four possible attitude: offense, defense, détente, and desertion… It is the first one of these attitude that our adversary fears, for “Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.” Satan can get along very well with Christians as long as they are on the defensive, seeking détente, or deserting… (45) Because of their slackened bowstrings, Satan had his heyday. (45) There are no safe battles – but there are no safe compromises either. The time has come to treat our enemies, all of them, as enemies. (46) Passivity towards our enemy is what the devil wants from us. (47)
18. 하나님은 승리를 위해 무기를 들 자를 찾으신다: 1 Samuel 17: David: God needed a victory. But only as some man is willing to use his weapon can victory become a reality… God needs the will of men to take up weapons and engage the enemy. (49)
19. 하나님은 대적에게 전쟁을 선포할 자를 찾으신다: Peace through Victory: God looks for a man through whom he may declare war on the enemy. (54) … (Peace) will come through the intercessor who has learned to wage spiritual warfare and wins peace through victory over the principalities and powers in high places. (55)
20. 우리가 원하는 만큼 우리는 승리한다: Measuring Our Victories: We are as victorious as we want to be. Lack of inner victory cannot be blamed on anyone but ourselves. Each man has his own measuring cup and measures out the quantity of victory he desires. (58) Is there sin in your life and bitter defeat? Then take up your weapons of the Spirit and declare war. (60)
21. 기도는 강력한 무기이다: P. T. Forsyth: Prayer is a weapon, a mighty weapon in a terrible conflict. Our prayers are to be a continual, conscious, earnest effort of battle, the battle against whatever is not God’s will.
22. 교회와 선교의 역사는 기도 위에 쓰여졌다. 기도의 깊이가 사역을 결정한다. Prayer is the cutting edge of any work for God… The spiritual history of a mission or a church is written in its prayer life. The expression of corporate life is not measured in statistics, but in prayer depth. (63)
23. 무뎌진 날을 예리하게 하라. 날이 무뎌진 기도는 적들을 뚫을 수 없다: Prayers with blunted edges have no power of penetration.
24.유행하는 최신 해결책보다 중요한 본질은 내면의 실제이다.It is easier to go along with the contemporary mood. It is less troublesome to give priority to outward means and methods that promise to increase the effectiveness of our service and our praying, but often at the expense of inner reality. (64)
25. 기도로 시작되지 않은 어떤 일도 하나님의 일을 이루지 못한다. Without prayer and waiting on God for him to reveal his will, our well-meant attempts may look impressive, but they have no power to move towards God’s goals. Supplementing our self-conceived ideas with prayer will not transpose them into divine purpose. (65) 스스로의 생각 위에 기도를 덧붙이는 것으로는 하나님의 계획을 성취하지 못한다.
26. 기도의 동기는 하나님을 아는 것이다.The true motive power will now be to get nearer to God, to know him better, to experience his friendship, to enter more fully into his thoughts and purposes… The central significance of prayer is not in the things that happen as results. Its significance is in the deepening intimacy and unhurried communion with God at his central throne of control. (66) 일의 결과가 아닌 친밀함이 기도가 중요한 이유이다.
27. 영적 전쟁에서 주기도문을 사용한다. 하나님의 아버지되심과 그 분의 이름과 영광에 주목한다.
28, 하나님은 성도들의 기도와 이를 통한 하나님의 뜻의 성취를 위해 기도를 할 수 밖에 없는 특정한 상황을 만들기도 하신다. The Architect of Victory: The work of God’s people is to pray… Only the prayer that finds its expression through a will captive to his desiring can be assured a hearing at the throne of grace. To achieve this, God sometimes arranges circumstances that will lay a burden of constraint on someone to direct specific prayer toward the particular thing he wants to accomplish.
29. 다니엘처럼 하나님의 관점을 구하고 하나님께서 하고자 하시는 일에 초점을 맞추라. 먼저 그 나라와 의를 구하라. 하나님은 책임감을 갖는 사람을 찾으신다. 그를 하나님의 창 끝으로 사용하신다. 미래가 암울해 보일 때, 하나님의 계획은 성취된다. 하나님의 기회를 사고, 그 대가를 지불하라. 기꺼이 값을 지불하고자 하는 이들에게 위기와 고난은 기회이다. 기회를 사라. 때가 악하니라.
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