Leslie Leyland Fields, “Parenting is your highest calling” And 8 Other Myths That Trap Us in Worry and Guilt, Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbooks Press, 2008
Judges 13-14, 16
What does their story in Judge 13 suggest about their expectations of parenthood?
Do you believe God’s purposes for Samson were fulfilled? Why or why not?
How satisfied with Samson’s life would you have been if you were his parent? Why?
What does Samson’s story suggest about the value God places on a child’s life?
Parenting is more about people than process… Godly parenting begins not in the rules we or other people make for our children but in pursuing a genuine relationship with God. (114)
We cannot be Jesus; we can only need Jesus… we confront our own sin and discover the most essential piece of news we need to know about ourselves as parents; we are weak, fallible, and desperately in need of grace… We never replace Jesus in our children’s lives. We don’t even do the work of Jesus in our children’s lives. We do the work of parents, which is to point our children to Jesus. (135-136)
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