Una Lucey-Lee, "Anyone Can Lead", Small Group Leaders' Handbook, 2009, p154-164
Anyone Can Lead
1. What does the Bible say about the leadership?
1.1 One such substitute word to describe leaders in the Bible is shepherd. What can you learn from Ezekiel 34 about the leadership?
1.2 God himself is our leader. What can you see of God’s purpose and plan in Exodus 3?
1.3 Leaders are to set themselves in God’s presence and then to move out in leadership. What promise does the great commission of Matthew 28 give us?
2. What fears do you have in leadership?
3. The beliefs we bring to leadership can come from our culture, family, experiences, generation and church background… When you interact with people who view leadership differently, they can become barriers. What kinds of barriers are you facing in your leadership? (Different expectation, gender, hierarchy issue and so on)
4. As we get comfortable in leadership, our inclination to seek God to depend on Jesus might wane. The temptation will be settled into the plateau and rest. What warnings do you get in your leadership? Are you willing to accept the feedbacks and assessments to improve your leadership?
If we continue to set our sights in Jesus, then he can use the unpleasant leadership experiences to shape our character and develop greater leadership skills. (p162)
No training will perfectly prepare you for what actually happens when you lead a small group. However, if you set your sights on Jesus, focusing on the Good Shepherd instead of the surrounding circumstances, then you will receive from him what you need to lead. (p164)