D.E.Hoste, 36 steps to Christian Leadership, OMF
Formerly published under the title, If I am to lead
- Unless a leader is truly wrestling with the powers of darkness, he will find himself wrestling with his coworkers.
- We need to guard our own spiritual lives carefully if we want to pass on spiritual truths from Scripture.
- With oppositions, it is wiser to delay them (plans) if they are not approved by some people whom they affect.
- David was prepared by the suffering and danger he went through. Painful as it was, he needed to learn through this if he was to be saved from failing in the same ways Saul had failed… This is the only way to get rid of the self-will and self-energy which too easily become our masters when our lives are ill-disciplined.
- Sin of any kind grieves the Holy Spirit, but bitterness towards another child of God causes him special pain.
- Spiritual power in our ministry, that is the power which shows people their need of Christ, and builds up Christians in their faith, only comes through the hard work of intercessory prayer.
- I have often spent days in prayer while waiting for the right words to reply to a letter as people have looked to me for help in their own ministry or with personal difficulties.
- Unless we ourselves are praying people, and truly alive to God in this holy warfare, we will never influence others to be.
- Over and over again the Bible shows us people who seem unpromising at first, but develop into great servants of God through being trusted to bear burdens, face dangers, make decisions, and go through difficult times.
- How important it is not to complain, or if it is brought about by the misdoings of other people, not to let our minds turn it over and over, for we can easily become bitter.
- Are we able to take the lowly place if a misunderstanding arises? Can we cope with being slighted or hurt without wanting to justify ourselves?
- We need to have a sensitive conscience about how we use our time. The fact that many Christian workers aren’t accountable to anyone for how they use their time can carry with it a temptation to laxity.
- Experience in the Lord’s work is a great blessing, but it can become a hindrance, if it is not accompanied with true humility or that holy poor spirit.
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