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05 선교신학

Don Cormack, Killing Fields, Living Fields, God is right there

by growingseed 2020. 6. 5.


Scenes from Killing Fields, Living Fields (OMF Publishing)

Foreword by Julia Cameron,

There has been unimaginable cruelty in many parts of the world, and one wonders how similar the experiences of Christians were in other places. In that little country in south-east Asia, through darkness, and bloodshed, and fear, and sheer evil, we trace the hand of God. He did not forget Cambodia... 

  One Christian leader, Major Taing Chhirc, urged OMF International to send workers to teach the newly-converted Christians. He could forsee the time when this would no longer be possible. There was urgency, and there could be danger. Don Cormack left the security of Chefoo School in Malaysia, where he was teaching missionaries' Children, and arrived in Phnom Penh just months before the country fell. Major Chhirc was martyred shortly after that... 

The most insistent question of the human heart in every age and culture is surely this: 'Where is God in suffering?' I believe the story of the Cambodian Church shows the true answer to that question, and the only answer worth hearing for the troubled soul or the searching mind. It is simply this: 'God is right there.'

'If Cambodian Christians today are aware of the faithfulness, the endurance, and the martyrdom of their spiritual mothers and fathers, I trust this will help keep them from playing fast and loose with the precious and eternal gospel which they have received intact; and which they are now called on to live out, and pass on to others amid many of the same kinds of testing.' Don Cormack 

