Hoste observed and learned from this man(Hsi) of God whose life was transparent and authentic. (48) Willingness to wait in prayer, patience in restoring relationships, reluctance in premature judgement - these became significant principles in Hoste's ministry. (50)
He usually prayed aloud, but in a very low tone, and would pace up and down the room while he was in prayer... he seemed to have more freedom in prayer while walking; that prayer seemed more free and unrestrained. (52)
The response from Hudson Taylor finally came. He wrote: Regarding a wandering mind in prayer; I have found more help in praying aloud, and praying while walking about - talking as to a present Lord - than in any other way. Knowing how to give practical guidance and comfort to younger missionaries, he added; I do not think that wandering in thoughts at all necessarily indicates a loss of spiritual life, but it does show a loss of nerve-tone and calls for (rest)... use of such measures as will generally give vigour to the health. (54-56)
...he almost daily invited another colleague to be with him in the office to pray together. (56)
He knew the 1,200 members and associates by name and would often pray for the difficulties in which each was engaged. He wrote; I have found that waiting upon God, and intercession on behalf of others, are really the most vital and effective part of my service (in the Mission)... the persistent opposition of the powers of darkness, can only be overcome by perseverance and importunity in prayer. (58)
출처:패트릭-펑-『잊히기-위해-산-사람』OMF로뎀북스-2010?category=301073 [아빠의 서재]
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